Except when your main web developer is the perpetually on-the-move BCom founder Brent Comstock, it’s perhaps a good idea to seek an additional web genius to strengthen the team.
Enter, Neal Mattox. Neal was going to school for agronomy when he realized that he’s also passionate about website construction. Luckily for us, he found his way to BCom. Presently, when UNL isn’t keeping him busy managing test plots and watching crops grow, we like to keep him on his toes with a steady flood of e-mails and notifications about all of the beautiful websites he is now helping us build. Or sometimes about the blog posts we want to feature him in.

When Neal isn’t fulfilling either of his career passions, he likes planning new adventures with his wife, Lizzie. Example: in March Neal and Lizzie traveled to South Africa, where they climbed [via cable car] all the way to the top of Table Mountain. Yes. Not only is he an expert on agronomy, agriculture, AND website code, the man is a mountaintop explorer.
While we’re on the subject of passions, we can conclusively tell you that Neal will fit cozily right in here at BCom as his list of favorite television shows includes both House of Cards and Parks and Recreation. He also shows adequate enthusiasm for Husker football and properly cooked steaks. In fact, according to Neal, the following YouTube video of Gordon Ramsey preparing the perfect steak has the capacity to “change your life”:
Whether or not you chose to watch Neal’s pivotal video, we hope you enjoyed a snapshot of our favorite new in-house web designer. He’ll continue to complete most of his work remotely from his home in Lincoln. So even though we don’t get to see his face every day here at 919 Central Avenue, we’re absolutely psyched to be welcoming a brilliant new innovator to the BCom team. Yay Neal!!